The Glen Allen Church is a group of Christian believers who join together as the Family of God in Glen Allen, VA (a suburb of Richmond, VA).
We share a conviction that Jesus was no ordinary man, but that he was the Son of God. We have made the decision to follow Jesus and allow him to rule our lives, and this has brought us together as a community, the church of Christ.
We also have a mission. When Jesus established the church, he instructed his followers to tell his story to the world. Our mission is to proclaim the message that God entered our world in the person of Jesus himself and that he offers new life for anyone who will accept his invitation!
Each Sunday and Wednesday the church comes together for times of worship and Bible study. These meetings provide encouragement in the task of living our faith. Our ultimate goal is to honor God so that his gracious work of salvation may be completed in all our lives.
What We Believe
Perhaps you are not familiar with churches of Christ. You may be wondering what we believe. While we have no formal doctrinal statements, there is an essential foundation set forth in the Bible:
- There is one universal God who exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in limitless power, love, and goodness, who has created the universe and each human being for the purpose of being in relationship with him. Since he made us, he holds each one of us accountable for our lives (1 Peter 1:2; Genesis 1-3).
- God has made himself known in nature, in history through men and women, and most uniquely in the life of Jesus of Nazareth (John 1).
- By our choices and self centered lives, each of us has severed that very relationship with God, and we cannot restore it (Ephesians 1:1-3; Romans 3:10-18; Titus 3:3).
- Jesus, the unique son of God, came to earth and sacrificed himself so that he could provide the way back to God for us (Mark 10:45; Romans 3:21-26).
- The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus are the means by which God forgives our sin and restores our broken lives to a relationship with him. This good news of salvation offered in Jesus is to be shared with people everywhere (Acts 2:22-39).
- Followers of Jesus form a new body of believers known as the church. The church, like a loving family, is a community where people enjoy being together. It is also a community which, like a body, feels concern for members who are suffering (Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-35; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27).
- The collected documents that we know as the Bible preserve the story of God’s actions, and are accepted as our standard even now (Romans 15:4; 2 Timothy 3:14-16).
What Makes Us Unique
Obviously many of these beliefs are commonly shared with other churches. So why are Churches of Christ a distinct group from other religious traditions? Certain commitments set us apart from other groups professing faith in Christ:
- Central to all churches of Christ is a determination to live the faith and practice of the earliest Christian communities as discerned in the New Testament.
- Baptism of believers by immersion is the moment that God forgives our sins, unites us with Jesus Christ, and gives us the presence of his Holy Spirit to help us live our new existence and keep our new commitments (Acts 2:38-39; Romans 6:1-7).
- Each Sunday we assemble to recall the story of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. Worship is simple and unpretentious as we read from the Scriptures, pray, sing songs praising God, listen to Christian preaching, and eat the Lord’s Supper together. This weekly communal celebration of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and continuing life among us is a vivid reminder that the story of Jesus’ cross is where we find our meaning, our identity, and our most important commitments (Hebrews 10:19-25).
- Our worship assemblies attempt to follow biblical directives and images of the earliest Christian churches. Unaccompanied singing is used in our praise of God.
- Leadership in churches of Christ is provided by shepherds (or elders), men who serve as spiritual leaders and are selected from among the members (1 Peter 5:1-3).
- Churches of Christ are independent groups with no central board or governing institution. Each church is committed to holding up Jesus Christ as its Lord, and to understanding the scriptures together as his disciples.
What To Expect
We hope that before long you will honor us by coming to one of our Worship Services or Bible Classes. However, we realize that visiting a church for the first time can be an intimidating experience, so we want to give you some idea of what to expect when you come.
A warm and friendly welcome
No matter who you are or what your circumstances, you will be warmly welcomed by our members. Everyone stands on level ground at the foot of the cross of Christ, so all are equally welcomed. We will let you know just how glad we are that you are here, but at no time will you be singled out or embarrassed in any way. We have no "dress code." Some choose to come casually dressed. Others dress in a more formal manner. However you choose to come, we’ll be glad to see you.
Christ-centered and Bible-based teaching
Because we are the church "of Christ," He is the focal point of all that we do. You will find Jesus and the salvation that He offers to be the main topic of our classes and worship services.The Bible is our text-book for learning about Jesus, about His church, and about how He would have us to live. So you will find us studying and teaching it every time we meet. Paul declared all Scripture to be "inspired of God," and we believe that. So we think it's important to let God speak to us through His word. From our Cradle Roll class through our adult classes, and always in our worship, you will find the Bible as the basis of all that we do.
What is worship like?
Church services tend to come in all flavors, so we’d like to give you some idea of what to expect in one of ours.
First, you should understand that worship is vital to all that we are and do. We believe that we were created to worship and serve God, and we try to make that evident when we come together to praise and thank Him. We do not engage in empty or humanly-devised rituals; rather, we offer up the worship that Scripture teaches us to offer. Because of this, our worship is simple and heart-felt.
Because Christ and His cross are at the center of our faith, the Lord’s Supper is at the center of our worship. Every Sunday we participate in this symbolic meal together as a reminder of what Christ has done for us by His death on the cross, and of the reality that He still lives because of His resurrection from the dead.
As the apostle Paul wrote, when we eat the Supper, “we proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26). As the bread and the cup are passed among the congregation, everyone is invited to participate in the Supper. It is intended for believers in Christ, but it is up to you to decide whether or not to participate. No one is excluded, and you will not be singled out if you choose to participate in it or if you don’t.
Singing is another important aspect of our worship. We sing without instrumental accompaniment, as did the earliest Christians, so everyone has the opportunity to participate. Rather than viewing singing as a medium of entertainment, we see it as an enjoyable way to express our praise to God. Singing is our way of expressing our joy and gratitude to the Lord, and we use a variety of music both old and new to convey to God what is in our hearts.
We believe in prayer, both private and collective, so when we come together to worship we offer prayer to God as a means of praise, and also as a way of making requests. At various points in the service, prayers will be led that convey to God our thanks for His blessings, as well as those seeking His blessings. It is a joy and a comfort to be able to ask God’s help for those who are hurting in various ways.
Most of our services (especially on Sunday mornings) include a sermon of about one-half hour. The goal of these messages is to teach God’s word and to encourage living as Christ teaches us to live. At the conclusion of the sermon, an opportunity will be afforded for those who are ready to follow Christ to say so publicly and to be baptized (immersed) into Christ. We do this because worshiping God also involves giving to Him as a reflection of His many gifts and blessings to us. So at each Sunday morning service, collection baskets are passed to give us the opportunity to express our gratitude to God in a very tangible way. Giving is expected of all of our members. Whether or not you choose to participate as a guest is up to you. Because the Glen Allen Church of Christ is an independent congregation, all of the funds collected are used to further the work of the church, to engage in mission work as we want everyone to follow Jesus, but this is a personal decision, and you will not be coerced to do so in any way. Our giving is utilized to support the work of the church here in the Richmond area, to aid many efforts in various parts of the world, and to help people who are in need.
Now that you know…
We hope that you will consider worshiping God and studying the Bible with us. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
We’re excited to meet you!